9 nov. 2010

Vintage table-cloth

I am very satisfied with this vintage table-cloth.  I found it on the Tradera for a couple weeks ago.  Both of the design and the colour are just my taste, also it will fitted with our blue kitchen and the perfect size for our kitchen table!

Juste! I got a mail from a friend of mine last week and she asked me.....
“ Are you SELLING your kitchen system ?!?! “
“ What---?!?!?! “
“ Look at this!! !

3 kommentarer:

  1. Vilken härlig duk du budat hem... Kul det där med köket :D Det var ju väldigt likt ert kök....

    Kraam Lotten

  2. Härlig duk och vilket stort härligt köksbord som man kan sitta många runt och mysa!


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